Polygraph Service in the RGV

Polygraph Tests in Mcallen, Weslaco, Harlingen, and Brownsville


Providing Polygraph Tests For The Entire RGV

A polygraph, popularly referred to as a lie detector, measures and records several physiological indices such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while the subject is asked and answers a series of questions.[1] The belief underpinning the use of the polygraph is that deceptive answers will produce physiological responses that can be differentiated from those associated with non-deceptive answers; the polygraph is one of several devices used for lie detection.

ICheckU Polygraph testing McAllen

Polygraph Exams - Lie Detector Tests in RGV



Know the truth. Don’t be tormented by uncertainty. Bring your concerns to us for a professional, confidential and personalized polygraph examination of the person you suspect of being unfaithful in your relationship. We also do private investigations in Mcallen and the RGV for that matter.

  • Intimate Relations
  • Illicit Sexual Relations
  • Knowledge of Having or Contracting Any Known STD
  • Use of Escort or Prostitution Services
  • Engaging in Online Cyber Sex or Pornographic Activities
  • Romantic Communications with Others via E-mail and Internet Chat Rooms


Gain peace of mind from knowing all there is to know concerning the background of your current or potential mate.

Prevent future heartache and strife with knowledge.

Our customized, computerized polygraph examination can reveal past actions and current problems that do not show up in any online background check or criminal database.

Are they hiding an STD infection?

Did they ever commit acts of domestic violence in a previous relationship?

Were they unfaithful in a previous relationship?

Have they engaged in criminal activity?

Do they use drugs?

Have they told you the whole truth about themselves?

Behaviors you should know about.

Behaviors which may repeat themselves.

Be sure. Be safe. Be proactive.

  • History of Being Unfaithful
  • Previous Acts of Domestic Violence
  • Verifications of Statements and Backgrounds
  • Criminal Acts That They Were Never Caught For
  • Knowledge of Previous or Current STD Infections
  • Illegal Drug Use, Pornography & Other Addictions


Law Firms and Attorneys use polygraph examinations in the pre-court phase and in civil litigation to determine truth in a client’s case, verify a client’s truthfulness relative to a plea negotiation, to assist in general client control and verification of witness statements.

Is your client telling you the entire truth?

Did your client really commit the crime?

Are you doing all you can to protect and defend your client?

Know the truth. A pre-trial polygraph examination can provide you with the information and answers necessary to defend your client. Our computerized polygraph examinations can be customized to address your specific needs for most criminal, corporate and civil matters.

All examinations and services are strictly confidential and adhere to Attorney-Client Privileges.

Examinations are available 7 days per week with accurate and professional reports to use at your discretion usually available the same day.

Always Professional. Always Confidential

  • Drug Cases
  • Child Abuse
  • Sex Offenses
  • Violent Crimes
  • Property Crimes
  • Fraud & Forgeries
  • White Collar Crimes
  • Shoplifting and Theft
  • Divorce & Infidelity Issues
  • All Other Criminal Matters & Cases


Purpose Driven can provide you and your business with the truth and facts regarding incidents of employee theft.

Purpose Driven utilizes brand new state-of-the-art computerized polygraph systems to conduct customized employee examinations for incidents ranging from monetary and inventory theft to industrial espionage and theft of intellectual property.

All examinations are constructed around your specific requests and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy.

Complete written reports detailing the results of the employee interview and polygraph examination are usually available within 24 hours.

Purpose Driven examiners are highly qualified state licensed polygraph examiners and are trained in advanced interview and interrogation techniques.

  • Inventory Theft
  • Product Tampering
  • Industrial Espionage
  • Commercial Sabotage
  • Monetary Theft
  • Intellectual Property Theft
  • Property & Merchandise Damage
  • Misappropriation and Embezzlement


Purpose Driven examiners understand the unique variables required to conduct Pre and Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT). All Purpose Driven examiners are licensed with the State of Texas. All Purpose Driven examiners participate in specialized PCSOT continuing education programs on an annual basis.

Purpose Driven has developed a proprietary detailed information booklet that each examinee must complete for specific sex offenses, sexual history disclosures, maintenance and monitoring examinations.

Detailed and customized official reports are usually available within 24 hours following the interview and polygraph examination.

Strict confidentiality is always maintained, ensuring complete privacy for the examinee. These reports can be forwarded to either the attending therapist or managing officer.

  • Monitoring Examinations
  • Maintenance Examinations
  • Specific Issue Examinations
  • Sexual History Examinations
  • Instant Offense Examinations


Purpose Driven clears your good name with a professional, confidential and personalized polygraph examination.

Whether you are being wrongly accused or require verification and validation of your position, Purpose Driven can issue you an official report detailing the results of your polygraph examination which can be used at your discretion.

All examinations are constructed around your specific requests and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy.

  • Clear Your Name
  • Statement Verifications
  • Squash False Accusations
  • Official Reports Issued For Use At Your Discretion


Bring your concerns to Purpose Driven and we will customize a private and confidential polygraph examination that addresses your worries and provides you with the knowledge needed to resolve both teenager and other important family issues.

Whether you are concerned about illegal drug use at school, accusations of abuse or any other issues requiring investigation, our state of the art computerized polygraph examinations can provide you with answers that you need.

All examinations are administered in a professional environment and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy.

  • Shoplifting and Theft
  • Illegal Drug & Alcohol Use
  • Physical and Sexual Abuse
  • Academic and School Issues
  • Accusatory Statement VerificationsCustomized Exams for Teenager Issues


Do you need to know the truth regarding someone’s use of drugs or consumption of alcohol?

Is it imperative that you find out when was the very last time they smoked marijuana or if they are abusing prescription-type medications?

Is the confirmation that someone is abusing alcohol out-of-sight a question you need to know the answer to for peace of mind?

Purpose Driven can provide you with the answers to these questions and others by utilizing our state of the art computerized polygraph examinations.

All examinations are administered in a professional environment and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy.

  • Consumption and Abuse of Alcohol
  • Abuse of Prescription-Type MedicationsUsing, Buying or Selling Any Type of Narcotics or Steroids
  • Last Specific Occurrence of Drug Use or Consumption of Alcohol


Purpose Driven can assist therapists in helping addiction dependent individuals overcome the struggles and obstacles associated with recovery.

Utilizing our state-of-the-art computerized polygraph examinations, our examiners can conduct examinations specifically tailored to assist therapists in helping an individual rise above the denial phase of their recovery program.

In addition, Purpose Driven polygraph testing can provide monitoring examinations which can identify relapse behaviors or other activities thus enabling a successful treatment and ultimate triumph over any addiction problems.

Whether the addiction is related to drugs, gambling, alcohol, sex & pornography or any other issue, Purpose Driven can provide the answers needed to successfully complete an addiction recovery or 12-step program.

All examinations are administered in a professional environment and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy.

  • Drug Addictions
  • Alcohol Addictions
  • Gambling Addictions
  • Pornography & Sex Addictions
  • Any Other Type of Addictive Behavior


Purpose Driven offers pre-employment applicant screening and polygraph examination services for the following entities:

  • Fire Departments
  • Police Departments
  • Public Water Works
  • Toxic Waste Disposal
  • Correctional Institutions
  • Public Agencies & Schools
  • Nuclear or Electrical Power Plants
  • Local, State and Government Agencies
  • Armored Car or Alarm and Security Companies
  • Companies Under Contract with the Federal Government
  • Companies which Manufacturer, Distribute or Dispense Controlled


Pre-employment Polygraph Examinations on new applicants for police and fire departments.


Purpose Driven can provide examinations of participants in various sporting event competitions to ensure participants’ adherence to event rules and regulations.

Utilizing state-of-the-art computerized polygraph systems, Purpose Driven can administer examinations on location at your sporting event or at one of our office locations.

A complete, detailed report covering a participant’s adherence to event rules, use of performance enhancing drugs or any other disqualifying behaviors is provided immediately for review.

All examinations are conducted in a professional manner and are administered by Purpose Driven ‘s state licensed and specially trained polygraph examiners.

  • Fishing Competitions
  • Weight Lifting Competitions
  • Any Type of Disqualifying Behaviors
  • Adherence to Competition Rules and Regulations
  • Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs and Steroids


Purpose Driven can customize an examination to address almost any need or requirement.

Our brand new state-of-the-art computerized polygraph systems allow our highly trained and state licensed examiners to conduct a wide range of customized polygraph examinations to assist in establishing the truth and facts regarding any matter or issue under investigation.

Professionally produced official reports detailing the results of the polygraph examination are usually available within 24 hours.

All examinations are administered in a professional environment and adhere to strict confidentiality ensuring complete privacy

  • Personal & Family Issues
  • Business & Commercial Entities
  • Military & Government Agencies


When required, Purpose Driven can dispatch an examiner complete with a computerized polygraph system and special portable examination chair to any location.

Requirements for mobile examinations are that the location be quiet, free from outside noise or disruption and have adequate privacy during the examination process. All examinations are conducted in strict confidentiality.

  • Government Agencies
  • Correctional Institutions
  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Any Other Locations Deemed Appropriate

Learn About Our Background Checks Services

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(956) 968-7065

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Office Location

624 N Tio Ave
Weslaco, TX 78586
(956) 968-7065

Open Hours

Mon: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Tues: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Wed: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Thurs: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Fri: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.

