RGV Drugs & Alcohol testing Center – ichecku

Drug & Alcohol Testing RGV

DOT DrugTesting McAllen RGV

  • Drug testing for the RGV
  • DOT Random Consortium
  • Pre-employment, Random, Reasonable Suspicion,  Post-Accident, Return to duty, Follow-ups
  • Personal (private) drug tests
  • Background checks
  • (pre-employments screening/ sex offender, criminal)


Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

drugtestingmcallenrgvCredibility Assessment in the workplace is a high priority in any government position and private sector position.

We place a high degree of value on responsibility in what we do.

Helping you with maintaining integrity with employees and decreasing the liability burden that comes from abuse of drugs and alcohol in the work place environment.

Alcohol and drug abuse in the RGV are widespread problems in our society, and it affects us all in many ways.

Although national, state and local efforts have begun to show encouraging results, the problem of alcohol and other drug abuse remains a serious issue.

No workplace is immune.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in a study since 1998, and it can be more today,

Almost 73 percent of all current drug users ages 18-49 are full time or part time employed – more than 8.3 million workers.

Employers who think alcohol and other drug abuse will never be a problem in their workplace should consider this:

Job applicants who can’t pass drug tests or alcohol testing tend to apply to companies that don’t require workplace drug testing

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Purpose Driven and iCheckU offers the most comprehensive Drug Testing and Alcohol Testing services in the industry. We can assist your company with workplace drug testing, including onsite drug testing and alcohol testing, or create a customized substance abuse program to meet your company needs including federal requirements, when applicable.

Our testing services include drug tests such as urine drug testing, hair follicle testing, instant screening drug testing and breath alcohol testing.

Drug and Alcohol Test Services for the following…

Ichecku Red Mark Non DOT Drug testing: Pre-Employment, Random, Reasonable Suspicion, Post-Accident, Return to duty, Follow-ups

Ichecku Red Mark DOT Drug tests

Ichecku Red Mark Breath Alcohol testing

Ichecku Red Mark On-Site Drug and Alcohol testing

Ichecku Red Mark Personal  (private) drug tests

Ichecku Red Mark Hair Follicle Drug test

Ichecku Red MarkDNA Testing

Need Polygraph Services for Business or Personal Matters?


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(956) 968-7065

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Office Location

624 N Tio Ave
Weslaco, TX 78586
(956) 968-7065

Open Hours

Mon: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Tues: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Wed: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Thurs: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.
Fri: 9 a.m - 4 p.m.

